Luke 2: 10-11 (NLT) “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”
This time of year, it is easy to get caught up in all the glitz of the holiday season. The bright lights, the buying of presents, the parties and family get togethers often distract us from what Christmas is all about, and that is the birth of Christ the Lord. Now admittedly we don’t know the exact day Jesus was born, and there are many theories as to why December 25th was chosen to celebrate His birth, but if we are going to celebrate the birth of the Messiah then we should remember why He came and how He lived His life. Christmas is not about the presents we give or receive, it is not about the parties we attend, it is not about the songs we sing or the food we eat, it is about the baby who was born for a purpose. We don’t know much about His early years, but we do know about the man He grew into. I would like to think that not only did Jesus come to take on our sin and pay a debt we could never repay, but to set an example of how we should live our lives. I’ve often heard people say, “Life is short, live life to its fullest!” but exactly how do we do that? When we’re young we think traveling, making lots of money, having fun will bring us satisfaction, but those things are temporary, they vanish like dust in the wind. How do you want to be remembered, or will you even be remembered and for how long? Until those who knew you forget or pass away? Maybe we need to ask ourselves “How will God remember me”? I guess the point I’m getting at is maybe, during this season when we are celebrating the birth of Christ, we should start thinking more about living our lives in a way that honors Him and brings glory to His name. I’m not saying we shouldn’t keep the traditions past down to us from our family or buy presents or get together with those we love, but maybe we need to start adding to our celebrating the thought of serving others. Maybe this would be a good time to teach our children about compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love by doing things for others. I knew a woman who every year during the holiday season didn’t just donate money or items to the needy, but she would take her son to hand out blankets, socks, soap and other items to the homeless. There was a time when she was in need, and she knew how it felt to be forgotten and alone, she wanted her son to understand how blessed they truly were and the importance of helping others. She was in no way, shape or form wealthy, but she was so grateful for what she had that she was compelled to give to those who had little. There are many ways to serve others and teach our children the importance of giving, even if it by giving time to the lonely. There are groups who have giving trees where you can select a name and buy presents for that family or child. I remember adopting a patient at the nursing home to buy presents for, believe it or not there are many who don’t get visitors. The elderly are often forgotten and overlooked at this time of year; you should see how their faces light up when children come to visit or sing Christmas carols to them. Even if you don’t have money to spend there are things you can do to serve others, spending time reading to the young or old in the hospital can brighten their day. But don’t let it end once the season is over with, there are those in need throughout the year. That baby that was born thousands of years ago, He spent His life helping others, He paid the ultimate price sacrificing His life so we might live. So, during this season, let’s take the time to honor and glorify Him, to make a commitment to live our lives, each and every day, in such a way that reflects how He lived His life. Don’t make Christmas all about the lights, the parties, the gifts – instead make it all about Him. With that being said, I pray that He continues to bless all of you throughout the years to come and bring you the peace of heart, even during difficult times, that only He can give.