John 3:16-17 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.”
John 3:16 is the most widely known, famous, popular (whichever way you wish to say it) verse in the Bible. We know it by heart and even those who don’t read the Bible are familiar with it. But do you make that verse personal? Have you ever stopped to think about those words, I mean really think about them and how they affect you? Sometimes we read something without stopping to think about what we’ve read and how it applies to us on a personal level. I admit I’m guilt of doing that. So, let’s try this a little differently, let’s change the wording a little to help us really consider what this means for us. Instead of reading it as written above, try looking at it in the following context: “For God loved me so much that He gave His one and only Son so that I could have eternal life because I believe in Him. He came not to judge me but to save me. He died for me!” Tell yourself that over and over again – He died for me. Now let’s take this to another level. Close your eyes, well don’t close them yet, wait until you’ve read the next few sentences. Close your eyes and picture Jesus on the cross, you’re standing in front of Him, looking up at Him. Jesus makes eye contact with you, looking straight at you He says “I love you; you are My child. Because I love you so much, I’m willing to die for you. I’m willing to take on everything wrong that you have ever done, every bad and mean thought you have ever had, every angry or hateful word you have ever spoken, I have taken on every sin that you have committed – past, present and future. I’m paying your debt, so you won’t have to endure death upon the cross.” Now close your eyes and picture that. Feel the love in His voice, understand what He has done for you, place that image deep into the recesses of your mind and your heart. And every time you think about doing something you know you shouldn’t, every time you think about saying something you shouldn’t, every time a thought comes into your head that shouldn’t be there – remember that picture and hear His words “I love you”. Remember the power and strength that comes from knowing Him. If there ever comes a time in your life when you feel you have lost everything, when you are feeling overwhelmed and devastated by life’s events, when you are just not sure how you will get through something and move forward – just think of Him on that cross, looking at you and saying “I love you; you are My child.” He will give you the strength you need to get through anything and to move forward, just listen to His voice and feel the comfort of His arms surrounding you with His love. Let’s start looking at God’s word in a personal way, applying it in our lives. Read His word and remember He is speaking to you. Until next time may God bless you and bring peace to your heart.